Suspended License

For many people, a suspended license is one of the worst consequences of a DUI charge or conviction. A suspended license can also result from other offenses including reckless driving convictions, getting too many moving violations or letting your car insurance lapse. When your license is suspended for any length of time, getting to work, school and around to fulfill your personal and family obligations becomes a major challenge. Fortunately, you may have options.

At the Pennsylvania criminal defense law firm of Lawrence R. Dworkin, we know how important it is to you to have your driver’s license. As such, we help you to explore every option for a suspended license so that we can assist you in getting your license back as quickly as possible. To learn more about how we can help you to try to get your license back after a suspension, contact us today.

Pennsylvania Laws on Driver’s License Suspension

In the state of Pennsylvania, there are several different legal actions that may result in a suspended driver’s license. Your driver’s license may be suspended as a result of a criminal sentence in court. For instance, if you’ve been found guilty of DUI or reckless driving, the court may suspend your license as part of your criminal sanctions. The DMV may also subject you to an administrative suspension, which essentially means that they suspend your license automatically as a result of some triggering event such as an arrest for DUI.Also, if you are convicted of a drug offense your license can be suspended.

When your license is suspended by either the court or the DMV, you can wait out the suspension, fulfill the court requirements or DMV requirements, and pay all costs and fees associated with getting your license back. Sometimes, however, this means you will be without your license for months and you will have to pay expensive costs to get your license back.

Another possible option you may have is to apply for a hardship license. If you can prove that you would suffer a significant hardship, such as being unable to get to work without your license, you might be given permission to drive for specific limited purposes.

If you contact a lawyer as soon as you receive notice of a potential suspension or as soon as you are arrested for a DUI or other serious traffic offense, you may also be able to argue against a driver’s license suspension in a DMV hearing or avoid getting convicted of offenses that could lead to a driver’s license suspension. If you can avoid suspension in the first place or argue against the DMV administrative suspension by appealing within the required time frame, you may be able to avoid having any restrictions placed on your right to drive.

Your ability to avoid license suspension or to get a hardship license is going to depend upon the circumstances surrounding your case. The sooner you contact a criminal defense lawyer, the better your chances of achieving a favorable outcome. Contact the Pennsylvania criminal defense law firm of Lawrence R. Dworkin today using our online form or at 610-357-3506 to learn how we can help.

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Media, PA 19063